I am available for speaking engagements, poetry readings, and media interviews. And, I love doing them!
Please contact me to learn more.
Upcoming Events
Grace Cavalieri Presents Lee Woodman Library of Congress “Poet and the Poem”
April 13, 2024 1-2:30 PM (all Welcome!)
STARR LIBRARY 68 WEST MARKET STREET, RHINEBECK, NY United States Event Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/2214586575268309/

Past Events
September 11, 2022. 5:30 PM ET
Book Talk hosted by publisher, Christine Cote, Shanti Arts, with Lee Woodman, Marjorie Maddox, Joseph Stanton, and photographer, Karen Elias. Short poetry readings and discussion of ekphrastic poetry. These authors come to writing about artworks in unique and personal ways, and will talk about their inspirations and techniques! Please email publisher@shantiarts.com to reserve your spot.
July 13, 2022 7-8 PM ET
The Writer’s Center, 4508 Walsh Street, Bethesda, MD
Poet Lore and The Writer’s Center welcome poet Lee Woodman for a reading from her new collection, Artscapes, and a discussion of her writing craft. Lee is in conversation with Emily Holland, poet and Editor of Poet Lore, America’s oldest poetry magazine.
About the Book
Artscapes is a 78-page collection of ekphrastic poems that dazzle with vivid imagery and expert wordplay. Lee Woodman has chosen to explore works from major museums, including The National Gallery, MOMA, The Guggenheim, The Prado, and the Louvre. Woodman invites readers to walk into paintings, enter worlds triggered by sculpture, and eavesdrop on conversations with artists. She will take you to a roaring boxing ring in Washington D.C., a cave in Indonesia with forty-thousand-year-old paintings, and a harem’s den in Algiers. All is possible in poetry. Information about each artwork allows readers to look at the works online while reading poems that offer a refreshing and provocative examination of the art.
VCCA Residency in March 2022
Lee was awarded a fellowship by the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (VCCA). She was among approximately 22 Fellows focusing on their own creative projects at this working retreat for writers, visual artists, and composers.
January 4, 2022
Listen to my 5-minute interview about LIFESCAPES (Kelsay Books) on Kirkus Review’s FULLY BOOKED podcast (starts at 02:45 minutes in before Xochitl Gonzalez) https://www.kirkusreviews.com/podcast/
December 9, 2021, 7 PM
Finishing Line Writers of the DMV
Co-sponsored by The Writer’s Center
October 13, 2021, 7-8 PM ET at Bitter Grace Boutique 526 8th St. SE, Washington, DC
Title: Personal Transformation 2020-2021: A Poetry Reading from Lifescapes by Lee Woodman
Owner Anne Marie Johnson and guest poet, Lee Woodman, discussed her collection about a fictional artist emerging from the darkness of a broken relationship during COVID and global crises.
September 10, 2021 7:30 PM
Title: Princeton Diary by Sparrow
Lost City Books, Washington, DC
Sparrow discussed his new novella, The Princeton Diary, in conversation with guest poet Lee Woodman. Among the themes: success and failure, love, Doo-wop music, and Joyce Carol Oates.
August 17, 2021 / 6 PM ET
ZOOM Virtual Event The Writer’s Center, Bethesda, MD
Title: Lifescapes
Interviewer: Jane Rosenberg LaForge
Lee Woodman, winner of the 2020 William Meredith Prize for Poetry, read poems from her new collection, Lifescapes. Novelist and poet, Jane Rosenberg LaForge, led a discussion with Lee and audience members about significant life issues: divorce, Covid, writers’ view of the future.
July 20, 2021 / 3:45 PM EST (By invitation)
The Woodmans Present at Arbor Ridge, Rhinebeck, NY
Title: Sisters: Betsy (novelist) and Lee (poet) read from their books
Betsy read from “Jana Bibi’s Excellent Fortunes” and Lee from “Homescapes.” Both works reflect their ten years of growing up in India.
June 11, 2021 / 10 AM ET
ZOOM Virtual Event Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC
Title: Why Poetry?
“A poet’s work is to name the unnameable, point at frauds, take sides, shape the world, and stop it from going to sleep.”
—Salman Rushdie
“Poetry is a deal of joy, pain, and wonder, with a dash of dictionary.”
—Kahlil Gibran
Lee Woodman, winner of the 2020 William Meredith Prize for Poetry, read poems from her four poetry collections. A Smithsonian alum, she grew up in France and India, where she developed a passion for art, dance, and music. Known as the SCAPES poet, she writes about her overseas childhood, wishes, lies and myths, divorce during COVID, and famous artworks. Historian and world traveler, Marc Pachter, engaged her in a discussion of “Why Poetry?”
Marc Pachter
Marc Pachter was at SI for 34 years, alternating between the museums and ten years in the Castle. He is Director Emeritus of the National Portrait Gallery and, surprisingly, served three times as Interim Director of the National Museum of American History.
Lee Woodman
After a 45-year career in art education, media, and museums, Lee has been writing poetry for six years. Her poetry collection, Mindscapes, was published by Poets’ Choice Publishing on January 9, 2020, and Homescapes was published on May 22, 2020 by Finishing Line Press. Lifescapes will be published by Kelsay Books in summer 2021, and Artscapes will be published by Shanti Arts in winter 2021.
February 2020
Reading sponsored by The Writer’s Center, Bethesda, MD and Poets Choice
Publishing, CT
April 2019
“Spotlight on Lee Woodman” sponsored by Eastern Market Residences, Capitol Hill, Washington, DC
October 2018
Poetry Reading in collaboration with exhibition The Urge to Mark by Craig Kraft
Readings sponsored by The Writer’s Hotel and The New Guard Journal, ME:
- June 2017 – The Bowery Poetry, NYC
- June 2018 – The Bowery Poetry, NYC
- June 2019 – The Bowery Poetry, NYC

Looking back at Lifescapes
“Lee Woodman’s poems are accessible and profound. This is one beautiful woman whose poems capture what it means to be female with extraordinary insight.”
Richard Harteis, poet and publisher of Poets’ Choice Publishing
Interviews & Articles
Kirkus Review’s Podcast FULLY BOOKED January 4, 2022
(Listen 2:45 minutes in before Xochitl Gonzalez) https://www.kirkusreviews.com/podcast/
Concord Monitor / Lee Woodman: End-stopped (after Donald Hall’s memorial service on June 30, 2018)
South Danbury Church was packed. Pallbearers rolled the mahogany casket up the left aisle slowly. Creaky floor boards. Hundreds of years of friends and admirers clothed in black, blacker for the 90-degree heat. Rows of hard wooden benches painted white, stern reminders of New England shoulds: sit straight, pay attention, don’t laugh. Read more…
Concord Monitor / Woodman to release ‘Homescapes’
Lee Woodman, formerly of New Hampshire, will be releasing a new collection of poetry in May by Finishing Line Press called Homescapes. “Home is a relative term, especially if you have grown up overseas,” the publisher said in a statement. “In Homescapes, Lee Woodman takes us from an Indian village to the edge of Tibet to a small town in New Hampshire. Read more…
Copyright Alliance / Creator Spotlight with Lee Woodman
What was the inspiration behind becoming a poet? What do you enjoy most about the creative process? There are several sources of inspiration I had for becoming a creator. I grew up in France and India, two countries where theater, art, music, dance and language are held in high esteem. In addition, my parents were very into the arts. My Mom was a dancer and set up a ballet school in India, where we lived for ten years. Read more…
Andover Beacon / Lee Woodman Remembers Life in India and in Andover
Lee Woodman went to New London High School, and her family used to have a home on Ragged Mountain in Andover. Her father, Everett Woodman, was president of Colby-Sawyer College (then Colby Junior College) in the ‘60s and ‘70s. Read more…
Zocalo Public Square / Learn the Twist in New Delhi: Growing Up American in India Instilled in Me a Deep Curiosity About Foreign Lands—Including My Own
I grew up in India from the age of 4 to 14. Every two years, my family traveled back to the States on “home leave.” Via Europe or through Hong Kong and Japan, we’d head across the oceans to visit our cousins in New York and our grandparents in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Read more…
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